Q: My print's surface looks doesn't smooth. Seems to bloom
A: Enable this option will improve this problem.
- Lychee Slicer: Light-off delay[3s]
- CHITUBOX: Rest time after retract[3s]
- Voexldance Tango: Bottom wait before cure[3s]

source: Jan Mrázek
Extra: Why does this happen?
When the platform is back to the bottom of the tank, the excess resin between the platform and the FEP is squeezed into other areas. If your printer exposes at this time, then you will get the blooming surface.
The resin itself has a performance parameter of viscosity. The higher the viscosity of your resin, the longer it will take for the resin to be squeezed into other areas. Avoid exposing at this time range then it will improve this problem.

More research please refer to the source blog
Q: Why did my print turn yellow after being cured?[using the white color resin]
A: Your prints will turn yellow after curing. During curing the resin is undergoing a chemical reaction and gas is often a result of chemical reactions. Given a few days, the prints will degas and go from a yellow tint to a more white one.
You can cut that time in half if you add a few drops of purple dye to your clear resin (2-3 drops per 500g of resin). This will color shift the spectrum from yellow back to white and when you sand or clear coat, it will give you a much better crystal/glass-like look.
(The crystal/glass-like look does only work on solid prints. If you print hollow, you'd have to clear coat the inside as well but it still won't be as good as a solid print)

Left[Curing finished] VS After[36 Hours]
Q: Why do we need to use filter paper to filter the rest resin?
A: The filter paper can filter the bubble and the incompletely cured resin. Need to point out:
We suggest pouring the resin into filter paper first then the resin will come out of the filter paper and flows into the tank.

Q: When the printer is under printing. It makes a peeling sound
A: Here are the solutions:
1] Slow the speed of the raise
2] Replace the FEP film
3] Add enough resin to the tank
Q: Printing failed and I have found this on the printer tank.
A: It could be the printer platform level is incorrect. Then it happened with this and leave the failed print at FEP film. You can use the plastic shovel to remove it carefully and level the bed.
Another reason could be the part does not have enough focus to pull up the print. You can try to adjust the object [angle of placement] then it should help.

Q: How to avoid the elephant foot?
A: This question is related to Q1. Different resin viscosity will affect this result. Also, the temperature will affect the activity of the resin.
Lower temperature means lower resin activity.
With this point clear then we can find out the solution to that:
Adding the delay time before the cure will decrease the elephant foot problem.

Source: Jan Mrázek